A Needed National Night Out

It’s FINALLY National Night Out! We’ve been waiting since COVID for it to happen again! 🤗

This year ALL the regions came out to play and everyone is welcome to show up and enjoy free music, food, and a variety of law enforcement vehicles from different agencies in our region. 🚔

Come and enjoy the festivities while enhancing the relationship between the community and their law enforcement partners. 👮‍♀️

Here are the links to each one:






Fort Bliss

Horizon City

El Paso Sheriff

I’ll be on the Westside with Crimestoppers and hope to see you there! 👋

It was an incredible turnout and event with the El Paso Police Department-Westside and so many other government agencies participated.

There was so much to do and see, I regret not getting there earlier as a lot of the freebies had been claimed already like pinatas and gift certificates, but there were so many things to do that it was worth the time to come out.

They were grilling up free hotdogs and hamburgers and it was delicious! Whoever manned those grills knew their way around bbq. Rock climbing, horse riding, archery, interacting with all the cool gear and vehicles, as well as the actual professionals themselves.

There were so many vendors and agencies proudly showing off their departments and educating the public on what they do. The event made them accessible and my family loved it. We had a blast and are eagerly waiting for next year’s event.

Here are some pictures of the highlights of the event…

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