When your entire neighborhood blacks out yesterday…and it’s 105°F. ⚡🌡️🥵
Please check on neighbors and friends in this weather. I went to a couple of neighbors yesterday and an older couple had no idea it could take hours to get the electricity back on as it was 5:30pm and the El Paso Electric website has resolution time around 9:30pm.
Luckily, the City of El Paso, has opened their cooling centers:
• Galatzan Rec Center, 650 Wallenberg Dr.
• Chalio Acosta Sports Center, 4321 Delta Dr.
• Veterans Rec Center, 5301 Salem Dr.
• Chamizal Rec Center, 2101 Cypress Ave.
• Valle Bajo Community Center, 7380 Alameda Ave.
• Marty Robbins Rec Center, 11620 Vista del Sol Dr.
In addition, residents in need of a fan for their homes can request one for free by dialing 2-1-1. Fan donations are accepted at any El Paso and Horizon Fire Stations.
For more information about heat safety, please visit elpasoready.org/extreme-heat