The experience was pretty painless!
I just parked and it took me about 15 minutes to get through the training. It’s just 25 slides to read and three forms to fill out, and then you’re done! 

They even give you a cute bag and Voter Registration forms, so you’re all set to help register people to vote! 

As a Voter Registrar, I can distribute and accept Voter Registration Application forms from any resident of El Paso County, Texas. I can also help those who want to change or correct their information on their Voter Registration Certificate, like their name or address. 

With only 6% of the population voting here in El Paso, we really need to step up! Major bonds are on the horizon, so please make sure to register to vote before October 7th! 

Need forms? I’ll be at New York Deli for a special one-day ramen pop-up on Friday, September 6! 

4108 N Mesa St, El Paso, TX 79902
Let’s make our voices heard!