Fall Intercession Activities 2022


Due to an EPISD school closure, we will be having a CAMP DAY on September 30, 2022! All children must bring their own lunch! Space is limited, sign up now!

Early drop off at 7:30 AM. Not any earlier!

This Friday, EPISD will be having a Staff Development Day and there will be NO SCHOOL for the kids.

We will be having a 1 day Hitting Camp on Friday so that the kids have a place to go while you’re at work.

Click on the link below to register!


Don’t stay at home during intersession! Visit your library because they have tons of activities prepared for you! Check out the Esperanza Acosta Moreno Library activities for the week.

Lower Valley. Fall Intersession Fun at the Judge Marquez Branch Library

Complete October programming schedule for the Chamizal Express Library

What are you doing at home? The Jose Cisneros Library has fun for all ages during the intersession!

Check out what the Irving Schwartz Library has for you!

Guess who’s back? The bookmobile!
Stop by! Call 915-212-3266 for more information.

Join us during October Intersession for a great stem-static time!

We wanted to give you a “Head’s Up” that after this coming week, kids will be going on Fall Break for the 1st couple of weeks in October!

And, of course, when school is out, that means we are having camp at D-BAT!

We will be running 2 sessions….one for each week.

You can register for as many days as you want and it’s going to be a lot of fun!

We’ve got a bunch of new drills and stations ready to launch!

Last year, these sessions filled up quickly so I wouldn’t wait too long to secure your spot.

Click on the link or the button below to register today!


If your son/daughter IS RECEIVING Dyslexia services at his/her school, this CAMP is for you. Parent/caregiver and students are invited to register for this Dyslexia Camp. https://cdic.questionpro.com/DyslexiaCAMP2022
Space is limited, register now!!!

Need something for the kids to do during intersession? Enroll them into EPCC’s Chefs in the Kitchen course! Send a CE Registration form available at https://www.epcc.edu/Admissions/Documents/CE_Registration_Form_English_and_Spanish.pdf
to [email protected] today! For more information call (915) 831-2089 or (915) 831-2834.

Halloween Dance Camp
Oct. 3-7

Join us for our Intercession Dance camp! Great for elementary aged boys and girls! We will dance, craft, and have a snack daily. Current studio members will receive a discount! Sibling discounts available.



We are happy to announce the Oct Camp!

Registration is now open!



Registration is now open for our Fall Intercession camps for kids!

-Illustration and comics for kids(10-13) Dukes Comics 10am-1pm

-Painting for kids (10-13) Valeria Tejada 10am-1pm

-Painting and Mixed Media (6-9) Paola Martinez 10am-1pm

Camp begins October 10th to October 14th and are taught by Local Professional Artists.

Register HERE

YMCA of El Paso will be providing an Intersession

camp for those students out of school.

We will be playing games, arts & crafts, and so much more fun!

Sunny Farm Fall Break
5747 Montoya Drive, El Paso, Texas 79932, United States

Tel: 915 5009438

We will be having camps during the EPISD intersession! All children 5 & up are welcome! MUST bring a lunch and a water bottle each day. Camps will include structured instruction, crafts, group games, and fun!

Extended care is available 3PM-5:30PM for an extra $5/day per child.
Register HERE

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