Started in 1968 by four volunteers, AARP Foundation Tax-Aide is now the nation’s largest free, volunteer –run tax preparation services. By using these services, seniors and low to moderate income taxpayers avoid preparation and electronic filing fees. AARP Foundation Tax-Aide is offered in conjunction with the IRS.
The City of El Paso Parks and Recreation Department, in partnership with AARP Foundation TaxAide, will host free income tax preparation assistance, at several locations throughout the City.
To make an appointment, residents should call the number listed next to the locations below. Walk-ins will NOT be accommodated.
Memorial Park Senior Center: (915) 212-0391
Appointment Availability: 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday and Wednesday
Hilos De Plata Senior Center: (915) 212-2250
Appointment Availability: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday
Polly Harris Senior Center: (915) 212-0733
Appointment Availability: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday
Eastside Senior Center: (915) 212-0411
Appointment Availability: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday and Friday
Galatzan Recreation Center: (915) 212-0754
Appointment Availability: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday
Due to the pandemic, AARP Tax-Aide will require that masks are always worn while at the Tax-Aide locations (detailed below). Additionally, taxpayers may be asked to stay in their car while their return is being prepared. Some sites are using a two-visit drop-off model. Social distancing protocols for the safety of volunteers, location sponsors, and taxpayers will be in place at all locations.
Tax preparation sites will be drop-off only. The taxpayer will make the appointment and arrive at the location. The taxpayer will receive an intake form to complete and be interviewed by a certified tax preparer who will review all documents. The taxpayer will then wait until their tax return is complete and will then have a final interview to review all documents and sign the return.
What to bring:
Photo ID of the taxpayer(s)
Original Social Security cards or social security statements (SSA-1099) of the taxpayer(s) and all dependents
All W2s, 1099s for interest and dividends, broker statements, 1099-MISC, 1099-NEC, 1099-R, CSA 1099-R, SSA-1099, 1099-G (unemployment), other 1099’s, or W-2G (gambling winnings) received for the 2021 tax year
Letter 6475: Your 2021 Economic Impact Payments. You should receive this directly from the IRS in late January or early February. This reports the amount you received for the stimulus payments in April (generally $1,400 per person in the household)
Letter 6419: 2021 Total Advance Child Tax Credit (AdvCTC) Payments if you had any children. This should have been received directly from the IRS in January.
Any records to support deductions if taxpayer plans to itemize or claim the charitable deduction (2021 only, up to $300 in cash donations with receipts or cancelled checks, $600 if married filing jointly)
Last year’s tax return for comparison