I love Texas and El Paso, but I do miss the focus groups and preview screenings I was able to attend when I lived in LA/OC and I’m dying that they’re doing the latest Hunger Games book next week.

The closest event that I’ve been to in El Paso was at the Alamo @joyieloanmomma screening event at their customer service appreciation event 2 years ago.

They’re having another FREE Customer Appreciation event again this year at Cimarron Park with food, drinks, and giveaways.
I got all the swag and goodies ready to raffle off, especially the Easter baskets I made at the last cooking event courtesy of @heidyseoenz and @unoplusep 

@westtxpropertysolutions will be raffling off a spring cleaning 

@photrebien_noodlebar will be there with delicious goodies 

@stretchzone_elpasowest will be there give free demos 

@riograndetrade will be there as well with THEIR goodies to raffle off so stop by and say hello and win something! 

Check it out here: