Free Thanksgiving Resources in El Paso

I’m a believer in helping others when you can, and El Paso is blessed to have a lot of people who also share that belief.

I  was able to make this gentleman give a little whoop when I gave him a Sonic Chili dog since I had picked them up to give to the school staff and had bought extras since it was $1 Chili Dog Days at Sonic. It made me feel good to be able to brighten his day a bit and I know what Ruben from 4Tacos4Tacos4Tacos is talking about, the feeling of serving.

He doesn’t advertise it, but if you’re hungry and you don’t have money, he literally will feed you for free. He also spends his off hours driving and feeding the homeless in El Paso. From small individuals to larger entities, this community cares and steps up.

From the amazing work done at El Paso Fighting Hunger Food Banks where you can go to get food at their many pantry locations to the churches and YMCA and even a star like The Great Khalid. They’re there to help and make sure that our community doesn’t go hungry.

Here are evens ones giving away food and Thanksgiving meals.

Thanksgiving PFLAG El Paso and The BRC

Drive Thru Thanksgiving Food Distribution El Paso Armed Services YMCA

5th Annual Veterans Thanksgiving Lunch

The Great Thanksgiving Giveaway with The Great Khalid Foundation

The Salvation Army will have its Thanksgiving Day Community Lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at 4300 E. Paisano Drive. nyone who would like a plate can come and get tickets at our front desk before hand.

Mi Comunidad Center will provide a free Thanksgiving meal kit from 8 to 10 a.m. Saturday at 3506 Fillmore Ave. Food Pantry clients are asked to register for the meal by calling 915-774-2164. Limited supplies.

The Rescue Mission will have its annual Thanksgiving meal for its residents and the surrounding area, starting at noon Thursday at 221 N. Lee St.

Here is a great resource if you need help this holiday season. LINK 

I will continue to link resources here as I find them because no one should go hungry in El Paso.


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