Help The Elves Save Christmas in El Paso

Want to know a secret? Your kids still believe in Santa even though they profess they don’t. One way to find out is to challenge them to “Save Christmas” at Twisted Time Escape Room. 🤫🎅

I loved their Vampire Themed Room as evidenced in this past review POST so I knew that the theming would be on point for this new one, and I was right!

I never grew up with Christmas but I knew all the Christmas carols and the traditions, so I recognize the time and effort that it took to make these rooms “magical”. ✨
The premise is simple, your group (youngest should be at least 6 years old) is recruited to save Christmas by solving puzzles riddled with Christmas references. Some of them are really hard and we kept on asking for clues. In this case, we would shout out “we believe”, but the majority of the puzzles were pretty simple and easy, if you pay attention. 🧩

The older kids in my group were too cool at first (8 year olds) but towards the end they were shouting “we believe” as loudly as the younger ones. I commend the puzzle makers for making it so engaging for not only adults but younger kids that have limited attention spans. My son has ADHD so it’s really hard to have him be focused on something. However he was 100% into this. He wanted to save Christmas. 🔔

The younger ones were really able to help out with some of the easier puzzles, just manually manipulating items. What I really truly appreciated, was the fact that it made my husband and I engage with the kids in a really fun and interactive way. We ended up splitting up into teams to work with each child and it worked out really well so I recommend if you bring younger kids under 10 to have an adult engage with them. Their point of view proved valuable, literally, as some of the items were not in our line of sight but in theirs. 🕵️‍♂️

I can’t say much about the escape room other than the fact that it was really fun and I want to do it again with other groups just to see the kids get into it. We did win with lots of hints and it was extremely satisfying. Afterwards we exchanged gifts and went outside and it was snowing. Magic.🪄

I might even do it for a birthday party. So if you’re looking for something that’s extraordinary this holiday season that will bring your family together and celebrate Christmas, I highly recommend this escape room. 🎄🦌

More Information Here:

(915) 300-0177
4009 N Mesa St Suite B, El Paso, TX 79902

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