Holiday Gifts for Our Hardworking School Staff!

I gave the supervisors and teachers gifts last week but didn’t forget about the essential staff that support the school! 🏫👩‍🏫🧑‍🏫

I’m going to be the lunch and custodial staff for the kids for the next 2 weeks on winter break and I appreciate the ones at the school SO MUCH for being that while they’re IN school. 🍱👩‍🍳👨‍🍳🧽🧹

We also can’t forget the music/band, therapists, nurses, after school helpers, bus drivers, and crossing guards. 🎼⛑️👩‍⚕️🎒

I literally made this from items from my garden, supplies from Dollar General, Target, and Black Friday. I hope this shows a little of how much us parents appreciate them! 💓🤗

P.S. people who know me, know I hate crafting with a passion, so if I can do this, you can probably whip my butt in creativity and outcome! So don’t be shy and just try!😵‍💫😬🎁🤣

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