Is El Paso In A Flood Zone?

Morning! I’ve had a lot of people ask me about the new flood zones and increases since I’m an insurance agent and came from Houston.

Thousands of El Paso homeowners especially in the Upper Valley and Socorro areas may be forced to take on flood insurance costs based on a preliminary new set of flood insurance rate maps for the area.


All the RED is what’s in the preliminary FEMA map areas ADDED TO THE FLOOD ZONE (INCREASE IN 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN)

There’s a cool tool that the County has that’s hard to get to but I found the direct link.

FEMA recently changed guidelines in the name of “equity” and what it means is that the cost is now spread throughout the entire country rather than coastal areas which are more prone to flood.

“Currently, policyholders with lower-valued homes are paying more than their share of the risk while policyholders with higher-valued homes are paying less than their share of the risk. Because Risk Rating 2.0 considers rebuilding costs, FEMA can equitably distribute premiums across all
policyholders based on home value and a property’s unique flood “

I took a look at MY one neighborhood and it’s definitely expanded the risk area.

If you’re interested to see what flood insurance will cost for your house, I can give you a quote.

I would definitely love to help out. I might be able to save you money and get you better coverage.

Please fill this form and send it back so I can get started on a quote for you.

If I was a realtor I definitely would be calling these areas to help them assess options as the pricing can change dramatically and they could potentially grandfather their pricing in for future buyers.

Is El Paso in a flood zone?

There are 5,510 properties in El Paso that have greater than a 26% chance of being severely affected by flooding over the next 30 years. This represents 12% of all properties in El Paso.

Risk Factor is a free tool created by the nonprofit First Street Foundation to make it easy to understand risks from a changing environment.

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