Love Yourself, You Matter

If you’re in emotional crisis or feeling extra lonely today, know that you’re not alone.

@988Lifeline is here for you today and everyday to provide confidential emotional support. 💗

Call or text 988 or chat

REMEMBER: It’s Okay to be Sad On This Day of the Year

Understand that those feelings are normal. Experts believe stress comes from people’s expectation to feel happy and coupled on this day.

Reach Out if YOU Need Help

If you feel alone, look for things that can provide companionship. Virtual religious and social events can help. Calling friends or family members can lift your spirits. Doing these things even when we don’t feel like it can make you feel better during this time.

Reach Out to Others

Volunteering can make a huge difference in someone’s life. It can also help give our days more purpose and connect with others.

Stay Healthy

Get lots of sleep, get regular exercise, and eat fresh foods. When possible, engage in physical activity outside. Avoid excessive alcohol or drug use. Healthy habits make us feel better, especially during times of stress.

Take a Break

Taking a walk, listening to music or just sitting quietly for 15 minutes, can really lower your stress level. It even helps to just make sure we are taking deep breaths throughout the day. Once we take care of ourselves, it means we can then care for others around us.

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