Update on Tippin Traffic situation…
I had an amazing Crossing Guard Training session today at Tippin Elementary with Officer Duran from EPISD police! He was funny, super knowledgeable, engaging and not only answered our questions but acted out and modeled situations for us to visualize. 👮♂️
The written test was confusing at the end (the wording and style) but Officer Duran calmly answered our questions and made sure we understood the material so we were confident that we passed. 📝✅
I learned SO much and would definitely recommend this to everyone who wants to be more cognizant of the rules and safety procedures of a cross walk guard. I even got to practice after school with the crossing guard and it’s hard work. I have such respect for the workers out there and had my eyes opened. It’s a lot of work and they’re brave for doing it. I’ll try to help out as much as the school needs as soon as I get my certificate. 🎓⛑️
I want to thank Principal Nunez for hosting this event and making time to be there with us. Officer Duran stated that today’s training was approved and paid for by the EPISD board.We were also surprised that Board Trustee Freddy Klayel Avalos also attended since it’s the FIRST time Officer Duran has ever seen a board member attend a training. Credit goes to him as well for taking time out and to train with us. I hope to see him out there as a fellow crossing guard, we need more help. 🚸
Speaking of which, I had about 5-8 parents reach out to me letting me know they were interested in the training, but because it was naptime or because the timing was so last minute in a hectic holiday season, they REALLY wanted to attend and help out but couldn’t make the time. I hope that we have another training session in January, because it’s definitely eye opening and educational and the more we have certified guards the more we can support our amazing staff at Tippin. 🏫
Here are some pictures attached. 📸