One of my biggest questions about living in El Paso has always been: How can we grow while managing water concerns? Especially with all the carwashes popping up everywhere? 

El Paso uses about 40 billion gallons of water annually. 

Well, a recent report highlights how we’re addressing this. El Paso Water is doing an exceptional job, and it’s showcased at the Tech2o Water Visitor Center. 

Many kids visit this center on field trips to learn about the desert ecosystem, conservation, and our water utility. They also offer a Citizens Academy for community members interested in learning more.
El Paso is a leader in water recycling in Texas!
We use reclaimed water extensively. Here’s a breakdown of our water sources:

Interestingly, we have plenty of water, but it’s becoming increasingly expensive due to rising demand. 

Excitingly, the city is working on a groundbreaking system called “direct potable reuse,” set to launch by 2027. This system will treat wastewater to a high standard and send it directly to a drinking water treatment plant. 

El Paso’s approach keeps water in our community, treating it for reuse rather than sending it downriver. This innovation sets us apart nationally. While other cities, like those in California, have similar systems, they often involve storing water in reservoirs before treatment. 

El Paso is truly leading the way in water recycling and conservation! 

Come and see for yourself at the 2024 #WaterFestival! 

We’re all invited to TecH20 on Saturday, September 14, from 11 AM to 3 PM.