Remember last year when I had the Free Property Tax Seminars and I posted all that I learned about El Paso Property Taxes and how to protest them HERE?
Well, I’ve learned new and insightful information and wanted to share it with you all:
The property tax system is extremely broken & the organizations (government) behind it are extremely corrupt, with all of these “back room deals” with big corporations, while Texans get the shaft.
Texas has the 6th highest property taxes (and 5th highest business property taxes) in the entire country!
And no, “but we have no state income tax” isn’t an argument. Other income tax free states have lower property taxes. That’s also like saying “well, my husband/wife only abuses me sometimes/a little bit”. It’s not apples to apples, and people really need to open their eyes & get educated as to what’s happening (especially in their local government).
Part 1:
Part 1’s Full Report. A must read!
Part 2:
Part 2’s Full Report. A must read!
Texas is #6 highest property taxes (and #5 highest business property taxes) in the entire country. Other income tax free free states have lower property taxes! Quit gouging taxpayers!
Very eye opening investigation on the corruption surrounding property taxes. It also shows the importance of being informed about what’s happening at the LOCAL LEVEL.
These are long reads, so if you have a short attention span (or don’t have time to read everything), at least read part 4.
Texas Scorecard Investigative Series
Part 1: Tax-hiking Cartel: Appraisal Districts Bleeding Texans Dry
Part 2: Tax-hiking Cartel: Who’s In Charge?
Part 3: Tax-hiking Cartel: Gatekeeping Property Tax Exemptions
Part 4: Tax-hiking Cartel: Oppressing Texans
Also pay attention with HOW they provide tax relief. If they do so by voting to spend greater than the traditional state budget cap, that will signal a departure from the norm…. You will than start seeing internal govt department jockeying for that extra budget money(which really means setting precedent for bigger government, bigger spend, bigger salaries for the law makers themselves, bigger pensions, salaries, etc that got California in trouble). Law makers are good at sleight of hand where they say they will lower your property taxes and will divert a small amount to that while diverting a greater amount to their own self interests.