Wondering what to do with all the leftover candy now that Halloween is over? 

The Mexican Candy Lady of El Paso has the perfect solution! She is collecting unwanted treats to support our troops, veterans, and first responders. 

Instead of letting that sweet stash go to waste, why not donate it? It’s a delicious way to show your appreciation for their service! 

Her shop, Mexican Candy Lady & Exotics, is a treasure trove of unique snacks from around the globe! From exotic candies to delightful treats, there’s something for everyone. 

Here’s how you can help:
- Bring your extra Halloween candy to drop-off:
Mexican Candy Lady & Exotics
12301 Rojas Dr Ste A4, El Paso, TX 79928
The Mexican Candy Lady will ensure your treats reach our heroes! You can also include personal letters of appreciation to brighten someone’s day!

Let’s spread kindness this holiday season and say a big THANK YOU to our heroes! 

*This is a sponsored post.*