Yay more construction!

The grant is a game-changer for our city’s safety, and U.S. Secretary of Transportation agrees. He pointed out that Yarbrough Drive has seen way too many accidents involving bicycles and pedestrians, and it’s high time we give it the attention it deserves. 

This grant is part of the awesome Safe Streets and Roads for All program, funded with a whopping $817 million from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
The program’s aim is crystal clear: to make roads safer and prevent accidents and injuries nationwide.

So, how will this grant benefit us? El Paso is set to receive a cool $9,900,065 specifically for the North Yarbrough Drive corridor. With this dough, we’ll be able to ramp up safety at intersections, launch a super cool Safe Routes to School program
, and spread the word about road safety through education initiatives.

Now, here’s the lowdown on that stretch of North Yarbrough Drive between Interstate 10 and Montana. It’s gained quite a reputation for being a hotspot of accidents involving pedestrians, cyclists, cars, and motorcycles.
According to the city’s “Zero Vision” action plan, it’s considered a dangerous area. In fact, it’s the second highest in the region for bike and pedestrian crashes and ranks among the top 10 riskiest road segments for motor vehicle accidents resulting in fatalities or serious injuries. We’ve got work to do here!

This grant marks a huge step forward in making our community a safer place for everyone. It’s a powerful sign that our city is absolutely committed to improving road safety and safeguarding the lives of our residents.
Let’s celebrate this awesome news and look forward to safer streets ahead! 

Read more here: https://www.elpasoinc.com/…/federal-grant-to…/art