What I Do For a Living

I’ve never actually shared what I do for a living but somehow word got out and I’ve been helping people locally as well as nationwide. I’m a licensed insurance agent for P&C, Commercial, and Health/Life. 🤷‍♀️

A lot of people don’t realize that if your house goes up in value, you need to make sure that your coverage does as well. I might be able to save you money and get you better coverage. 🤗

Just in case you were wondering here are all the types of insurance I can help you with:

🚗 Car Insurance
🏠 Home Insurance
☂️ Personal Umbrella
🏘️ Secondary Residence and Rentals
🏢 Condo / Townhouse
🏚️ Flip Houses
💔 Home Warranty
🐕 Pet Insurance
🛥️ Watercraft
🏍️ Motorcycle / ATV / Golf Cart
🏣 Renters
📈 Business/Commercial
🤕 Workers Comp
🚚 Commercial Auto
🗄️ Errors & Ommissions
😁 Life

There are others but that covers most of it.
I’ve been with TWFG – DelaFuente Insurance Services since moved to El Paso. They really do care because they’re part of the community.

Please fill this form and send it back so I can get started on a quote for you.


Thank you!

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