Stuck on what to get as a gift? Don’t whine, get wine. 🍾
Seriously, I have so many people to be grateful for this year, teachers and admins, in laws and new friends and I honestly don’t have the time or energy to fight the crowds and the supply issues. I’m ALSO thinking of them, having to return and fight said crowds after the holidays, if my gifts don’t pan out. Enter alcohol, to paraphrase the Simpsons, ‘The cause of… and solution to… all of life’s problems.”
I mean you can’t go wrong with alcohol, why? Because they’ll be used to make someone very happy.
I’m not a wine person, but figured it’s a classier gift than the classic Claw-sserole I’ve been bringing as a side dish. See exhibit “A”.
So when I got into the Yelp event at Wine Attitude I was beyond stoked that not only will a philistine like me be taught something, it will be by wine experts.
I went during the week and stopped by the Sunland Park Mall on the 2nd floor. I’ve been there plenty of times and have never even seen this place. They stated they had another larger store in the past off Mesa but they had to close it during Covid because of restrictions. The new space is cozier but allows them to operate with more freedom. When I came in, I was immediately greeted and offered a glass of very good Moscato, along with a small cheese/meat/chocolate plate (charcuterie) as they told me about their selection and how their business came to be.
Apparently they are considered a vintner even though they only make like 3 gallons to satisfy the license requirement. Their main line of business is importing directly from relationships they have created and maintained with wineries in France and Italy and Spain. Their wines are specially curated and they have a great selection ranging from prices between $40-$200 a bottle. They demonstrated their knowledge and I actually understood a little of what they were saying since I used to have world class sommelier as a landlord. She would travel the world and just taste wine and hold expert tasting events. Her taste buds were insured for over a million! Great job if you can get it, and very rare and hard to apply for since you have to take a LOT of tests and exams. One of the managers there is actually considered one of the rare world renowned sommelier and he loves El Paso. He sold all his properties and settled here to I guess enjoy his “retirement” here.
They gave us a goody bag as shown and also allowed us to grab a bottle of wine (value $30). I ended up following their suggestion and paid the difference of $15 for a rare clay based red wine which apparently has less tannic tendencies out of Spain. I’m looking forward to popping that open this Thanksgiving.
It’s a really chill cool spot and they offer wine by the glass, so if you’re ever in the area, just know that there’s a little hidden nook in the mall to chill out and get your drink on. They often have live music as well.
Wine Attitude
(915) 996-1074
Sunland Park Dr Suite G06, El Paso, TX 79912